Wednesday, July 15, 2009

that's a quarter not a dime or 14" of embarrassment

i am a regular at the local farmer's market. finishing up this week's visit, most of my bounty was tucked safely in a Little Rock Recycles bag, except for the zuc (pictured). at 14" and a potential tomato squisher, i opted to carry it when i heard: "that is embarrassing." i looked at the scruffy, ruggedly handsome farmer squinting & piercing my purchase with his blue eyes. my first thought was "yeah, embarrassing b/c you are juvenile and, well, yeah, ok, this is phallic." normally, i would quip a dirty remark & keep going, but, instead, i stopped and asked him if he was speaking of my newly purchased zucchini that the farmer down the way, let me "have" for a mere buck. he said "yes, that is an embarrassment, when i was little my dad boxed all the big ones up and sold the whole box for $1, calling them double Ds. i didn't know what double Ds were then". i gathered from our conversation, or rather his rant, this variety of zucchini will grow too large from, uh, garden neglect. an average sized zucchini of this type should be plucked from the vine at 5-6 inches. letting one grow to say, 14 inches (like above) is, well, a garden mishap. with that one sentence, blue eyes turned my cheap eats into a farmer's market rip off. i scratched my head and turned toward my car & blue eyes had one last piece of advice for me: "if you are using that for bread, you can still use the small ones, that would be better."  i will post how the 'double d' soup turns out.

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