Wednesday, February 3, 2010


shiitake log. i took a workshop at the arkansas sustainability network on shittake log making slash grow shiitakes at home. i was told it would take about 8 months to yield some ‘shrooms, that is, if i watered it. well, i never did. not once. but, i noticed that i have a few sprouted mushrooms. (i also noticed that something has been snacking on a couple of ‘em.) seeing the shiitakes sent me into rescue mode and motivated me to water. i picked up the logs to move them to a better watering sight and i noticed that they were way light. not a good sign. logs can continue to produce for 3-6 years. that gave me hope. to make your own log, you do need a some special tools or you can buy a ready to grow kit. either way. fun.

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