Monday, November 2, 2009

salsa mule

salsa mule. yes, since that killer salsa posting, i’ve had a few requests to be a salsa mule. from ottercreek to atlanta the requests came in. a call to Ristorante Cảpeo let me know it was a-ok for me to pop in during the day and buy the coveted salsa and tomolives. this is a dinner only restaurant, i didn’t want to show up during peak hours to buy side-gig items. if you missed this mule-run, here’s how to score your own; call and let ‘em know you’re coming, i was told after 2pm is good. next, go to the side door on 5th street (there are two doors side by side, use the one on the right). it’s hard to open, you gotta give it a good push. once in, you’ll be hit with seriously mouth watering aromas wafting from the kitchen. the commis didn’t even look up as i pushed my way thru the door. after a couple of seconds, brian greeting me & took me back to the office where in boxes, on shelves, sat the canned pints ($6) and quarts ($12) of killer salsa and quarts of tomolives ($10). brian explained they’ve been making the tomolives, which are dill pickled green cherry tomatoes, for years and they use them in their signature martini or tomotini. when i told him i haven’t tried them, i was merely on a mule run for susieQ, he offered up a quart for me to try. right. ok. he absolutely, 100% knew that these tomolives are addictive. in this case, he is a dealer, giving the potential addict a taste, knowing i would be back for more. i brought the quart home and while writing this i popped the sealed lid. dug one out and OMG! i am telling you that this is better than any flaccid pickle or mundane olive that has ever hit your gob. throw one in your mouth, bite down and it pops. with that pop you get a dill explosion. not too tart, deliciously dilly and sumptuously salty with hints of jalapeño and garlic. simply put; addictive. i want to eat a jar, at home, undisturbed & uninterrupted, until i get my fill. forget manners, forget sharing. this quart is all mine. thanks for the taste, dealer, i mean, brian. my next move is to belly up at Cpeo’s bar for a tomotini. now, go, go & get your own quart jar of tomolives - i've told you how.

Ristorante Cảpeo 
425 Main Street
Argenta/North Little Rock

(501) 376-3463

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SuzieQ said...

I love how they misspelled refrigerate on the label... it makes it seem even more quaint. Can't wait to get my hands on my bottle.

Little Rock Bites said...

yeah, & "pickeled".

SuzieQ said...

So, the tomolives were taunting me on the counter tonight.

As my mamaw used to say "if you eat that whole jar of pickles, you'll get the diarears"

I totally wanted to eat the whole jar. But I didn't.

You and I are are going into the tomolive business next summer. Not to sell, but to feed our addictions.

ob2s said...

ah yes, the salsa is indeed very good, hot hot is actually medium, since it is not thick, I was
eating too many chips, so I just started drinking it. It is like a
very good gazpacho made with cooked tomatoes. In fact even though I ate bloody marys, I poured a glass of it, added organic vodka made in oregon and it was farking great