FOOD, INC. i don't read full synopsis or reviews of movies. i like the ride. here, i am recommending you see a film that i don't know that much about. i could go into food is energy, (not that kind of caloric energy or fuel for the body) but energy as in the, we are all made of energy, the interconnectedness of everything and conscious eating (eating less, being aware of where your food comes from, the treatment of food animals, poisons/pesticides in the environment), but i will leave that to Kathy Freston and her book Quantum Wellness. you can check out her views and listen to her at oprah.com, at the soul series, at http://www.oprah.com/article/spirit/inspiration/pkgoprahssoulserieswebcast/20080915_oaf_oss_archive/2 thank you VADBooher for the oprah link!
check out part 2 of her discussion with O, it pertains to this topic more. i am not saying become a vegetarian or a vegan, but at the very least buy your meat with a conscience. say NO to factory farms.
back to the documentary FOOD, INC.
Heifer Project International is sponsoring this film sunday, August 2 at 3pm. GO. don't worry, it's free, what do you really have to lose, 'cept 94 minutes of your life?
Heifer Project International
World Avenue
Little Rock, AR 72202
(501) 907-2600
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